

Miketon(米蓋通)是一套高穩定性的分散染料, 提供優秀牢度要求及優良的配染性, 適用範圍包括: 滌綸、滌/棉、 滌/毛等混紡.

Miketon Yellow 5GF    E/C
Miketon Yellow 3GSL    E/C
Miketon Orange  SF
Miketon Orange  SC
Miketon Scarlet  RR
Miketon Scarlet BRSF
Miketon Red FB    E/C
Miketon Red 4BF
Miketon Red BLSF
Miketon Brill. Red FGG
Miketon Brill. Pink FFB Paste
Miketon Rubine GL Conc
Miketon Red Violet FR
Miketon Blue 3RT
Miketon Blue TGSF    E/C
Miketon Brill. Blue BG-N    E/C
Miketon Brown GF Conc
Miketon Navy Blue TVSF
Miketon Navy Blue PRSF    U/C
Miketon Black RCS Conc 150
Miketon Black GWB Conc
Miketon Black PBSF    U/C
Miketon Yellow RSE
Miketon Red RSE
Miketon Blue RSE


Dystar (德司達) 與 BASF (巴斯夫)之綜合分散染料品牌.

A.  Dianix XF/SF  (最高昇華牢度/ Excellent Sublimation fastness and dyes for the highest levels of wash fastness)

Dianix Flavine XF
Dianix Yellow Brown XF
Dianix Brilliant Scarlet SF
Dianix Scarlet XF
Dianix Red CBN-SF
Dianix Crimson SF
Dianix Brilliant Red SF
Dianix Deep Red SF
Dianix Rubine XFN
Dianix Red Violet XF
Dianix Blue XF
Dianix Turq. XF
Dianix Navy XF
Dianix Black XF
B. Dianix ACE 

  (均染性良好之淺三原色/ Compatible, level-dyeing dyes for rapid, reliable dyeing of pale shades on polyester)

Dianix Yellow AC-E New
Dianix Red AC-E 01
Dianix Blue AC-E
C. Dianix UN-SE

  (中深三原色/ Compatible, level-dyeing dyes for reliable dyeing of medium and heavy shades on polyester)

Dianix Yellow UN-SE 200 New
Dianix Orange UN-SE 01
Dianix Red UN-SE
Dianix Rubine UN-SE
Dianix Blue UN-SE
Dianix Navy UN-SE 200%
D. Dianix Luminous

 (螢光系列/ Fluorescent and brilliant support dyes for fashion shades and high-visibility clothing)

Dianix Luminous Yellow 10G
Dianix Luminous Red G
Dianix Luminous Red B
Dianix Luminous Red 3B
Dianix Luminous Pink 5B